Brown Brothers Zero Moscato 750ml

The perfect pour for whenever you're looking for a glass of something special.With lifted aromas of citrus, sherbet, and freshly cut grapes, Brown Brothers Moscato Zero is made with less than 0.5% alcohol. It offers an easy drinking and refreshing alternative for sober-curious wine drinkers, or those simply looking to moderate their alcohol intake without compromising on taste.Perfect slightly chilled for drinks with friends or a guilt-free indulgence. Moscato Zero is a refreshing and versatile wine best served with...
The perfect pour for whenever you're looking for a glass of something special.With lifted aromas of citrus, sherbet, and freshly cut grapes, Brown Brothers Moscato Zero is made with less than 0.5% alcohol. It offers an easy drinking and refreshing alternative for sober-curious wine drinkers, or those simply looking to moderate their alcohol intake without compromising on taste.Perfect slightly chilled for drinks with friends or a guilt-free indulgence. Moscato Zero is a refreshing and versatile wine best served with soft cheeses and crunchy baguette, fresh fruit and spicy Asian dishes. the perfect pour for whenever you're looking for a glass of something special.with lifted aromas of citrus, sherbet, and freshly cut grapes, brown ...
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Brand Brown Brothers
Additional Info GimmeNow Online Store
Short Description The perfect pour for whenever you're looking for a glass of something special.With lifted aromas of citrus, sherbet, and freshly cut grapes, Brown Brothers Moscato Zero is made with less than 0.5% alcohol. It offers an easy drinking and refreshing alternative for sober-curious wine drinkers, or those simply looking to moderate their alcohol intake without compromising on taste.Perfect slightly chilled for drinks with friends or a guilt-free indulgence. Moscato Zero is a refreshing and versatile wine best served with...
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Brown Brothers Zero Moscato 750ml
