Giesen 0% Sparkling Brut New Zealand 750ml

Giesen 0% Sparkling Brut is a premium alcohol-removed sparkling wine from New Zealand boasting a mere 14 calories per 100ml serving with no added sugar. It is a sophisticated and refreshing no-alcohol sparkling wine without compromising on taste or quality.Fresh lemon, grapefruit and pear make for an inviting fruit-driven aroma. A light, playful palate greets you with a refreshing citrus and stonefruit, elevated by effervescence. Expect a wonderfully energetic non-alcoholic sparkling wine with a crisp, dry finish.To...
Giesen 0% Sparkling Brut is a premium alcohol-removed sparkling wine from New Zealand boasting a mere 14 calories per 100ml serving with no added sugar. It is a sophisticated and refreshing no-alcohol sparkling wine without compromising on taste or quality.Fresh lemon, grapefruit and pear make for an inviting fruit-driven aroma. A light, playful palate greets you with a refreshing citrus and stonefruit, elevated by effervescence. Expect a wonderfully energetic non-alcoholic sparkling wine with a crisp, dry finish.To craft Giesen 0% Sparkling, Giesen Wines award-winning winemakers carefully select quality New Zealand fruit and first craft a premium full-strength wine. Using their own advanced spinning cone technology, they gently remove the alcohol to leave a flavoursome, no-alcohol sparkling wine that is true-to-style, meaning you won’t find excessive sweetness in this wine. Giesen 0% Sparkling Brut elevates any moment.This premium alcohol-removed wine contains less than 0.5% alcohol by volume, a level similar to natural fruit juice.giesen 0% sparkling brut is a premium alcohol-removed sparkling wine from new zealand boasting a mere 14 calories per 100ml serving with no added s...
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Brand Giesen
Additional Info GimmeNow Online Store
Short Description Giesen 0% Sparkling Brut is a premium alcohol-removed sparkling wine from New Zealand boasting a mere 14 calories per 100ml serving with no added sugar. It is a sophisticated and refreshing no-alcohol sparkling wine without compromising on taste or quality.Fresh lemon, grapefruit and pear make for an inviting fruit-driven aroma. A light, playful palate greets you with a refreshing citrus and stonefruit, elevated by effervescence. Expect a wonderfully energetic non-alcoholic sparkling wine with a crisp, dry finish.To...
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Giesen 0% Sparkling Brut New Zealand 750ml
