Squeaky Gate Extra Virgin Olive Oil The Allrounder 750ml

The secret to being an all-rounder is having enough character to make an impression without coming on too strong. A medium intensity blend, this fruity classic is perfect for pastas, white meat and salads. Its fresh, cut green grass scent has a hint of tomatoes and a moderate peppery finish. Start a sauce or finish a dish with this easy-going favourite. Available in 375ml bottle, 750ml bottle and 3L Tin
The secret to being an all-rounder is having enough character to make an impression without coming on too strong. A medium intensity blend, this fruity classic is perfect for pastas, white meat and salads. Its fresh, cut green grass scent has a hint of tomatoes and a moderate peppery finish. Start a sauce or finish a dish with this easy-going favourite. Available in 375ml bottle, 750ml bottle and 3L Tinthe secret to being an all-rounder is having enough character to make an impression without coming on too strong. a medium intensity blend, this fr...
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Brand Squeaky Gate
Additional Info GimmeNow Online Store
Short Description The secret to being an all-rounder is having enough character to make an impression without coming on too strong. A medium intensity blend, this fruity classic is perfect for pastas, white meat and salads. Its fresh, cut green grass scent has a hint of tomatoes and a moderate peppery finish. Start a sauce or finish a dish with this easy-going favourite. Available in 375ml bottle, 750ml bottle and 3L Tin
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Squeaky Gate Extra Virgin Olive Oil The Allrounder 750ml
